Friday, 9 October 2015

Eoin's Collaboration with Lonradh

Eoin is embarking on a new project that involves his interest in documenting memories. He is collaborating with a group called Lonradh, a visiting programme for individuals with dementia and their carers. He will be exploring and making art in relation to memory once a month in the Crawford Art Gallery.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Meet the Artist Event, C.I.T. O'Sullivan's Quay. 

Washing machines, houses and printing presses. Eoin O' Brion manages to take these everyday objects and use their life cycle and working parts to inspire his art. His work is not exclusively concerned with pieces of equipment and house plans, but also contain stories of loss, transformation and rebirth.

His work was most recently exhibited in O' Sullivan's Quay. Framed colourful drawings and multiple bound books full of sketches were on show. Eoin thinks about the past, present and future as he draws plans, renovations and life cycles.

The Meet the Artist event was held on Wednesday 15th of April 2015. Local primary school children attended as well as friends, family and members of C.I.T. Eoin introduced his work to the audience and explained the stories behind the machines and house plans.

After the success of the exhibition, Eoin continues to work in studio concentrating on drawing memories and dreams.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Explaining design for home for older people at Sirius "Generation" exhibition

Sirius Art Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork 26/03/15

On the opening night of the "Generation" exhibition, Eoin explains the concepts behind his two drawings. "Generation" was a collaboration with the people of St. Luke's Nursing Home, Blackrock and the pupils of 2nd class in Educate Together.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Eoin at work

Eoin working hard in studio. C.I.T. O' Sullivan's Quay and the john Birmingham Centre, Glasheen.

Sunday, 1 February 2015